Romney Marsh Countryside Partnership

Non-native Alien Plants

Have you Seen any Aliens?

A major problem in the British countryside today is the spread of highly invasive non-native water plants (or aliens!) which have been dumped in ditches, lakes or watercourses by gardeners who have seen these plants take over their ponds.

These plants are still offered for sale by some garden centres. The best thing you can do is not to buy them in the first instance and if you have these plants get rid of them quickly and safely. They have no wildlife benefit at all.

The plants must be disposed of through proper composting burning or burial. Under no circumstances should you deposit any plant material from your own pond into watercourses or damp areas as this will only allow the plants to spread further.

Aliens on the Romney Marsh

The three species highlighted here are becoming a real problem within Shepway and on the Romney Marsh.

Water Fern (Azolla filiculoides)

A small aquatic fern which floats on the water’s surface. It forms carpets of free floating plants which block out the sunlight into the water. The carpets quite often have a reddish tinge when the plant is stressed. On the Romney Marsh is is found in ditches and on some of the gravel pits at Dungeness.

Australian Swamp Stonecrop (Crassula helmsii)

First found in the wild in 1956 in Essex. This highly invasive plant forms dense mats and reproduces vegetatively. It does not die back in the winter and control of the species is incredibly difficult. Found in ditches around New Romney and over towards Rye.

Parrot’s Feather (Myriophyllum aquaticum)

So called because of the feather-like leaves. The plant has insignificant flowers and has emergent and submerged segments. Only female plants have been found in Britain after been first recorded in the 1960’s. Again found locally in ditches around built up areas, like New Romney and Lydd.

If you find any of these alien plants in the countryside let us know so that we can co-ordinate all records and pass the information on to the relevant authorities.

Further information can be found on
